Wonjin Breast Enlargement, Most Popular Among US Women
10:47 PM
It was shown that North American women receive breast augmentation the most.
According to the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 2012 statistics, it was shown that the country with the most number of plastic surgeries was the US. Following the US was Brazil, China, India, and Japan, and our country was 8th. (2010 statistics)
According to the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 2012 statistics, it was shown that the country with the most number of plastic surgeries was the US. Following the US was Brazil, China, India, and Japan, and our country was 8th. (2010 statistics)
Based on this study, the most common plastic surgery done globally is liposuction, then breast enlargement, eyelid surgery (double eyelid, ptosis, etc.), and nose surgery. If we take a look at plastic surgeries by country, liposuction, eyelid surgery, and nose surgery ranked number 1 in Brazil, and breast augmentation and abdominoplasty ranked number 1 in the US.
Especially for breast augmentation, there was a large difference between the 22.3% of total patients in the US and 2nd place Brazil. (16.9%) Dr. Wonjin Park of Wonjin Beauty Medical Group says “westerners generally have larger breasts and butts so people think breast enlargement surgeries are not common, but the average breast size is big so there are more women that worry about small breasts.”
He further stated that “US women desire a full C cup or D cup, so they think their breasts are comparatively small and decide to receive surgery. It is not uncommon to see US women visiting Korea to receive breast augmentation surgery and this is due to the inexpensive cost compared to the US and the high quality medical service, which is increasing the number of customers visiting Korea for medical tourism.”